Friday, October 22, 2010

Starting Week1

Weight loss: 0lbs
Active: Besides shaking my butt in the car while driving and tappin my foot in the office with the radio blasing. that be a ZERO.
feeling: Despite all feeling pretty good

Is there any one out there?
Am I the only one?
Hello www. Lets start with the introductions. I am a 24 year old married female... let me give you a little backround.

It all started in 2nd grade my home life got a little rocky and I was introduced to food. I became an emotional eater very early in life. If any of you out there deal with those same issues... you know it is a daily battle.

I feel for smokers and druggies. I think in my own little way my addiction is to food. I love sweet food to celebrate holidays and socializing... ahh the social eating is sucide.... its impossible to stop. I am conforted by carby food when I am emotional spent and do not want to process whats goin on in my life. I enjoy salty food when I am depressed... it heals the cuts from the inside out. There is just something magical that happens in your body when you consume comfort foods like mac and cheese. It is like taking an uppy (not that I have personal expierence)
Dont get me wrong I love veggies.... peoples biggest misconseption is that just because I am fat does not mean I do not eat health. WRONG. I love to cook healthy... infact i could prob eat baked zuccini and garden tomato sandwich and greenbeans everyday for the rest of my life. Its just sometimes when i get my lunch at work and it has been an exceptionally stressful morning I'd rather eat something warm and filling than rabbit food.

Anyways I am way off track. So here it is world wide web. I am a 24 who weight is *gulp* a discusting 271.6lbs. My bust is 49inches, waist 42inches and hips 53inches. BMI 41-deadly.  I need to do something and fast. My husband and I want to start a family. I not only want a healthy pregnancy, I want to be able to catch my kids.  Thank goodness the weight has not caused any serious health issues yet but I am on the verge of being a diabetic, prehypertensive and probably on my way to having high cholesterol. Besides I love to move and I would love to dance... and i love to SHOP!!! It would be so much easier to do all those things if I just could fit in to womans 2-14.

So it took a while to finally take the first step. Just like AA- i had to admit "I am an emotional overeater."

Now that I have admitted to having a problem and giving you all the gorry details about me here is my plan
1. Weight Watcher- I wanna lose this weight naturally and I want to make permant changes in my life that I can stick to. Also many of my mothers sisters have lost tons of lbs. through weight watchers
2. Planet fitness - for a few reason.
        a. Its cheap $20/ month with unlimited guests tannings and uses. Plus its 24/7
        b. I DO NOT WANT FLAB. Nothing is worse than having extreme weight loss and caring aroung 10lbs of extra loose skin (think fat bastard on Austin Powers III) GROSS!
        c. Exercise is movement... I love to move. I here that people who really build exercise as a habbit in there lives start to build up a love for it, like a new addiction, Well at least that one wont kill me.
3. Goals.
        first I am goin to blog each week my weight loss, how active I am and how I feel about it.
        short term: First lets just lose 10 lbs and see how that feels.
        long term: lets make the first big goal 10% of my body weight; thats 27lbs.

Ok so .... I am sure I have left things out. But thats ok this is my blog if you dont like it .... DONT READ IT ... anyone out there who has a comment or would like to join me on my journey feel free. They say people who try to loose weight with a friends are twice as likely to be successful than those who do it alone.